The annual report of the СSO "Anti-Corruption Headquarters" for 2020!

The annual report of the СSO

We present to your attention the annual report of the СSO "Anti-Corruption Headquarters" for 2020!

“2020 turned the world upside down for everyone, including the Anti-Corruption Headquarters team. But we managed, adapted, changed our work so that it gave impetus to the creation of the new digital tools that saved hundreds of thousands of hryvnias stolen in the fight against Covid-19.

2020 has become a year of victories and successes for our organization, which we want to share with you. We were convinced once again that the team and values ​​are the best support at all times”, – said Yulia Hrechka, Head of Board  in 2020.

In the report you will find the most important indicators of our work in 2020, our victories and how much money we have saved for Ukraine`s budget:
